Hight Quality Rolex Replica Watches Cheap Sale

Rolex Replica Watches

The part of Rolex Replica Watches's history I found most fascinating and the part that hooked me was the parent company's work on two revolutionary types of movements. These were the Hi-Beat or high-frequency movements that helped Rolex Replica Watches dominate the observatory tests in 1967 and 1968 and a radical, new movement called the Spring Drive that combined the best of quartz and mechanical watchesmaking.rolex replica watches We chose two High Beat and one Spring Drive watches for the first offering of Rolex Replica Watches at the Revolution Watch Bar because of their importance.

Hi-Beat Calibres

The 61GS is the first Rolex Replica Watches high-end watch to use the Hi-Beat Hi-Speed movement.

What's the basic theory behind a high frequency movement? The escapement and balance are the two regulating mechanisms of a mechanical clock. The escapement is responsible for locking, unlocking and delivering impulse to the balance.

Marine chronometers are extremely accurate even though their balances tend to oscillate relatively slowly at 18,000vph or less, because the regulating organ is isolated from the rolling and rocking of the ship deck by being mounted on a gimbal.Rolex Submariner Replica However, a balance in a wristwatch experiences an infinite number of micro-shocks that can result from anything like clapping your hands or simply just swinging your arm back and forth. If you think about it, the fact that this tiny wheel which is vibrating anywhere from five to 10 times per second does so with such amazing accuracy, is almost an act of magic.

It was discovered that elevating the vibrational speed of the balance wheel gives it greater autonomy from shocks, gravity and any other erosive forces. Girard-Perregaux was the first manufacture to commercialise a high-frequency movement that beats at 5 Hertz or 36,000vph.